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Land Acknowledgement

A Land Acknowledgement is a statement that recognizes the traditional lands of Indigenous Peoples, acknowledging that the institutions we inhabit are on Native land. 

Land acknowledgements honor the Indigenous relationship to the land and bring visibility to the continued existence of Native Americans. As our Mission Statement proclaims, D’Youville teaches students to lead compassionate, productive, and responsible lives dedicated to leadership and service. It is in this spirit that we offer the Land Acknowledgment below. 


I would like to begin this [ meeting/event/etc ] by acknowledging that we are on the land of Indigenous people. Traditionally, these lands were home to many nations, including the Neutral, Erie, Wenro, Huron and other peoples. Today, these lands are still regarded as being the traditional homelands of the Seneca and other Haudenosaunee peoples. We respect the treaty rights of the Six Nations - the Seneca, Mohawk, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Tuscarora - and the obligation of the United States and New York governments and American society to adhere to them. 

We honor the legacy of the many ancestors and elders who made this land their home and infused it with their spirit for thousands of years. We also honor the Original Peoples who remain on the ancestral homelands of Turtle Island and who have survived centuries of colonialism, genocide, and land theft. Finally, we honor those who are not here, but who might have been, were it not for this history of violence. 

With hearts and minds focused on healing and truth, we remember the powerful example of democracy and federalism set by the Haudenosaunee, embodied in the Great Law of Peace. Through this inspiration, we commit ourselves to advocate for inclusion and restitution for past atrocities. May we all aspire to a world of reconciliation, guided by the example of the Haudenosaunee themselves, so that our weapons of war are buried forever and mutual respect and equality prevail among all peoples and nations. 


Acknowledging Native land is one way we can show respect and work to amend the erasure of indigenous culture and history. This video from the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture seeks to promote understanding and action through acknowledgement. Visit for guides, instructions, and tips on how to continue showing respect. 

 Native Land Map 

Land, culture, and ancestral heritage plays an important part in our lives.  Native Land Digital has created an ever-evolving map displaying indigenous territories, languages, and treaties from around the world. This map is also available from Google Play or the Apple Store, as an app.

Native Land Map

As seen on the map,  D'Youville rests on Haudenosaunee (pronounced Ho· de·no·sau·nee·ga) territory. 


The Haudenosaunee (Ho·de·no·sau·nee·ga) Confederacy, widely known as the Iroquois Confederacy, was comprised originally of five nations;  Mohawk (MO·hawk), Oneida (o·NY·da), Onondaga (on·nen·DA·ga), Cayuga (ka·OO·ga), and the Seneca (SEN·i·ka). The Tuscarora (tus·ka·ROR·a) nation joined in 1722, traveling north to join the Haudenosaunee Confederacy for protection.  

The Haudenosaunee Confederacy(People Who Build a House) consists of:  

  • The Mohawk Nation  (People of the Flint) 

  • The Oneida Nation (People of the Standing Stone) 

  • The Onondaga Nation (People of the Hills) 

  • The Cayuga Nation (People of the Great Swamp) 

  • The Seneca Nation (People of the Great Hill) 

  • The Tuscarora Nation (The Shirt Wearing People) 

flag of the iroquois confederacy

The Hiawatha belt (shown above as a flag) was created as a record of peace among the five original nations that made up the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Following the sun, from east to west, are the symbols of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca nations.