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New Era Officially Begins as D’Youville Inaugurates Lorrie Clemo as President

New Era Officially Begins as D’Youville Inaugurates Lorrie Clemo as President
Buffalo, New York – September 29, 2017 – During an official ceremony in Kleinhans Music Hall, Lorrie Clemo, PhD, became the 15th president of D’Youville College on Friday, September 29, 2017. The first layperson to hold the role, Clemo was appointed in December to the seat vacated by longtime president Sister Denise Roche.
In her first official speech as president, Clemo laid out her vision for D’Youville, that of a college where learning can take place anywhere, at any time. “We are committed to embracing education wherever we find it,” said Clemo. “We are taking education to the people where they are, and where their needs are.”
Clemo linked the College’s Catholic roots to the institution's mission, evoking Pope Francis. “The 21st century has given us a Pope who, in his understated, yet powerful way, declared that modern servants of the faith should have the 'smell of sheep' on them. We need to get out of our comfortable buildings and go where the people are, be shepherds for those who are in need,” said Clemo. “We need to get out of our ivory tower and go to where our students are.”
In her closing remarks, Clemo spoke of the mission being a job for all at the College, to innovate and adapt. “We want to leave the college a better place for future generations. We want our students to have the best opportunities to reach their full potential and find fulfilling lives and careers.”
On hand were Clemo’s predecessors, Sister Denise Roche and Sister Charlotte Barton; Buffalo’s Bishop Richard Malone; Grey Nuns of Sacred Heart President Sister Julia Lanigan; Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown; D’Youville Board of Trustees Chairman and President of Mercy Hospital Charles J. Urlaub; 39 college and university delegates from across New York State; and several institutional delegates from around the country.
The official ceremony, known as an installation, was part of a daylong celebration starting with a mass at Holy Angels Church, presided over by Buffalo Bishop Richard Malone, and a festive luncheon on the D’Youville campus featuring food trucks and live music.
About D’Youville
D'Youville is an independent institution of higher education offering baccalaureate, graduate, and doctoral programs to students of all faiths, cultures, and backgrounds. D'Youville teaches students to contribute to the world community by leading compassionate, productive, and responsible lives. D'Youville honors its history rooted in tradition providing social, spiritual, and professional development that emphasizes leadership and service.
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